Hébergement PBN Sites Web PBN Domaines PBN

PBN: definition and instructions for creation

PBN is several dozen or even hundreds of satellite sites that are created to promote the main project in SEO. From these satellites they put links to the main site, thereby transferring weight, which gives an increase in positions and trust to the recipient site. Of course, this is prohibited by search engines because it is a deception of their algorithm and manipulation of search results. And the same Google is actively fighting this: it searches for and blocks networks.

Private blog network - rather a historical name, because at the dawn of SEO, this method of promotion was based on the creation of blogs (usually free ones on LiveJournal, Blogger, etc.) and placing links to your main project on them. But, like all others, this method of weight transfer was identified by Google and the effectiveness of links from such blogs, especially if there are many links, began to tend to 0.

Then webmasters began to hide their donors more sophisticatedly, mimicking ordinary sites. Sometimes it is really impossible to distinguish a PBN site from an ordinary information or news resource.

SEO is not an axiom, but a set of experience and experiments. And PBN is not a panacea, but one of the tools. We rarely get more than 30% of the entire link mass with PBN (usually it is up to 20%). But the choice is yours.

The secret of PBN popularity is simple - it really works! Why not just buy links somewhere? You will find the answer here.

And now to the point - how does it work?

We are not a hoster and do not sell hosting.

PBNMonster.com is a project for companies, agencies and freelancers who work in the field of SEO promotion. We help create and support PBN networks of sites.

Our service for SEO PBN networks consists of 3 services:

  1. Proxy sites (if you already have satellites and you need each to have its own IP).
  2. Technically, we, like any CDN service, use reverse proxy server technology - we hide the real IP of your satellite, covering it with our proxy server. But we give IP from different networks, different hosters and from different countries.

    Previously, professional teams rented dozens and hundreds of shared hostings with ngnix and proxy their sites (to hide the real IP). Now we have it in 1 window and there is no need to administer dozens and hundreds of hostings.

    The diversity of sites on 1 IP is achieved by completely different clients with different sites and different links from them. There are also mixed sites without outgoing links, parked domains, etc. This is not much different from shared hosting from a hosting provider. Moreover, some hostings are taken from large domain registrars (which also do hosting).

    Within each project, there is no repetition of IP addresses.

    For proxying, you need to have hosting (the IP address where your site is actually located).

  3. Creating small sites in 1 click: landing pages, business cards, company sites. Proxying is already enabled for them (i.e. each will have an IP address different from the others).
  4. Rent or register domains to order (so that the owners of your satellites are different and with different registrars).

So, you already have a ready-made thematic satellite and you just need to hide its real IP.

Instructions for proxying sites

Let's look at a mini-instruction using our Promo tariff as an example - free proxying of 1 any site and creating 1 satellite in 1 minute (you must have a domain).

  1. Registration / Login to your account
  2. Insert your domain and real IP address in the fields and save the data. We check the existence of the domain and issue the IP address of the proxy server.
  3. Creating A-records. They are easy to create with any registrar. In the screenshots, we showed the creation of 2 A-records with different registrars. We check if your site works through a proxy server.
  4. You, if necessary, submit a request for SSL and receive it.
  5. Now let's check the IP address of the site
  6. Result: you and I know that the site is on the IP, but the entire Internet sees it at the address...

Now let's create a satellite with 0 in the same free Promo tariff.